Marie-Pierre Bonniol

Marie-Pierre Bonniol

Credit: Marcelo Huici, courtesy BNMM, Buenos Aires

Marie-Pierre Bonniol (*1978, Marseille, France) is an artist, curator, producer, author and researcher based in Berlin who works internationnally. She holds a Master in Fine arts (2024) and a Master in Aesthetics and Sciences of art (2000) from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is also an alumna of CABS Antiquarian Books (St. Olaf College, Minnesota) and Oberhausen film festival seminars.

Active since 1993, at first with fanzines, and then with many different projects, her current main research subject is the transformation and the transmission of energy and affects through embedding strategies.

As researcher and speaker, she is currently engaged in projects on amatorat, philia and the aesthetics of books, also as ensembles and collections, for Strasbourg UNESCO World Book Capital with a cycle of exhibitions at CEAAC and lectures at the French National Academic Library (Bnu). She also currently assists the art historian and curator Andreas Broeckmann on his research project on the exhibition Les Immatériaux (Centre Pompidou, 1985), within the Institut für Philosophie und Kunstwissenschaft of Leuphana University in Lüneburg, Germany.

Her work as artist and curator has been presented in several institutions such as ZKM in Karlsruhe, Anthology Film Archives in New York, Consortium in Dijon, CCCB in Barcelona, CAPC in Bordeaux, Palace in St.Gallen, Dampfzentrale in Bern, Borealis festival in Bergen, Cafe OTO in London, Goethe-Institut in Boston, LagosPhoto in Lagos, Centre Pompidou in Metz and the National Library of Argentina in Buenos Aires, on an invitation of Alberto Manguel.

Never too far from books and documents, obsessed by certain novels, her artistic practice takes the form of videos, photographs, drawings, installations, assemblages, programs and texts, through dispositives, collections, projections, imaginary structures and fictions that have been quoted by the writer Enrique Vila-Matas in some of his texts and documentation.

Transdisciplinary, her work has multiple entries (literature, visual arts, experimental film, research, curating), often in articulation with music and aesthetics. It follows, in its acts, the motto of the Argentinian writer Fogwill on “writing to not be written” in a general sense of self-determination, self-realization and responsibility, with a strong interest in experimental, crossover and integrative practices.

This practice has received in 2021 the Joseph Rovan prize for the project Hôtel des Autrices, which has also been nominated for the european Blauer Bär Prize of the Senate of Berlin in the same year. In 2023, she is laureate of CURA, a project call of the french Ministry of culture, with a project on experimental films, video art and childhood as associate visual arts curator of Le Volcan in Le Havre in France until 2025.

Her studio, Studio Walter, is based in Berlin, Germany. Her films are distributed by Film-Maker’s Cooperative (New York), Collectif Jeune Cinéma, Julie Tippex (Paris) and Studio Walter (Berlin).

Recent press

Berliner Zeitung, Libération, France Culture, France Inter, Le Monde, Kulturaustauch, Dokdoc, Livres Hebdo, ARD1/Das Erste, Senses of Cinema, Actualitté, La Nación, El País.

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Gwendoline Blosse